Putting record straight on Aurizon’s role in economic development of the Galilee
Community action group, Avaaz today made a range of claims about Aurizon’s involvement in supporting economic development in the Galilee Basin.
The facts are that Aurizon has been safely and responsibly transporting coal in central Queensland for more than 50 years. We have been an integral partner in developing and exporting a vital commodity for Queensland, Australian and global economies. Over the decades, as volumes have increased, so has our focus on safety and environmental responsibility. We are committed to fulfilling all of our required environmental and regulatory approvals, and are continuing to take a positive role in communities in which we operate. In the Galilee and North Bowen Basin Aurizon is working through a detailed examination of all aspects of the proposed acquisition of 51% of Hancock Coal infrastructure. In looking at our options, Aurizon is seeking to reduce the impact on landowners and communities by consolidating rail tonnages from miners onto one integrated rail corridor thereby minimising impact on agricultural land and the natural environment. Aurizon has a long-term commitment to Queensland and the communities in which it operates and understands the need to earn their on-going support by operating responsibly and with care for the environment.