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Aurizon operates and manages the railway network and infrastructure in South Australia except for the metropolitan broad gauge network and the ARTC main lines to Melbourne, Perth and between Crystal Brooke and Sydney. Aurizon also manages some yards and sidings attached to the ARTC main lines.

Under the Railways (Operations and Access) Act 1997 (SA) (the Act) and additional information provided by the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA) the rights and responsibilities of above-rail operators as access seekers and the below-rail service provider as the access provider are set out, covering matters such as the negotiation process, dispute resolution, and terms and conditions of access. Additional data is provided via the links below by Aurizon to assist access seekers in their deliberations.

The railway lines, yards and sidings that Aurizon operates and manages are listed below.

Access can be provided to:
  • Pinnaroo standard gauge railway line (status open but not currently in use)
  • Loxton standard gauge railway line (status open but not currently in use)
  • Apamurra standard gauge line (not currently in use)
  • Barossa broad gauge railway line (not currently in use)
  • Mid North broad gauge railway network (not currently in use)
  • Eyre Peninsula narrow gauge railway network (not currently in use)
  • Major yards (all active): Whyalla standard gauge yard, Port Augusta standard gauge yard, Port Pirie standard gauge yard, Dry Creek North standard gauge railway yard, Dry Creek South broad and standard gauge railway yard, Port Flat standard gauge railway yard (note does not include Gillman Intermodal Railway Yard), Tailem Bend standard gauge railway yard
  • Mainline northern sidings (all active but require a pre-access inspection: Mallala (goods siding only), Long Plains, Bowmans (goods siding and grain loading loop, Nantawarra, Snowtown Redhill, Crystal Brook, Gladstone, Caltowie, Jamestown, Yongola
  • Mainline southern sidings (all active but require a pre-access inspection: Wolseley, Bordertown, Wirrega, Keith, Tintinara Coonalpyn, Coomandook, Tailem Bend Goods Siding, Murray Bridge, Monarto South.

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