QR National seeks community input to Galilee Basin project
QR National is holding community information sessions in central Queensland this week to encourage public input to its integrated rail project for the Galilee Basin.
The Central Queensland Integrated Rail Project is QR National’s proposed rail solution for linking Galilee Basin mines to central Queensland ports for the export of coal to global markets.
The project also seeks to accommodate expanding and new mines in the Bowen Basin to the Port of Abbot Point, near Bowen.
QR National has commenced a community engagement program to seek public input to the environmental and engineering studies that are currently being prepared to respond to state and federal approval requirements.
QR National Executive Vice President Strategy & Business Development Ken Lewsey says input from community members and other stakeholders in this early stage of planning for the project is important so that a wide range of issues are considered in the approvals process.
"This is part of our ongoing discussions during the EIS phase with communities, other key stakeholders and potential customers regarding the proposed development of this new coal supply chain," he said.
Community information sessions, where people can drop in and talk to a member of the Project Team, will be held in Bowen and Collinsville (24-26 May) and Clermont, Alpha and Moranbah (31 May – 2 Jun).
The Central Queensland Integrated Rail Project proposes to leverage off the existing Newlands rail line from Goonyella to Abbot Point by upgrading the existing brownfield railway.
Rail connections from proposed mines in the central and south Galilee Basin to the Newlands line and broader coal network will involve constructing approximately 380 kilometres of new rail infrastructure.
"This proposal aims to maximise the use of existing railway corridors and balance environmental and commercial requirements while delivering an increased coal haulage capacity," Mr Lewsey said.
The Queensland Coordinator-General has also released for public comment, the draft Terms of Reference for the State Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project.
For more information about the Central Queensland Integrated Rail Project or to contact the Project Team call 1800 204 580 or email cqirp@qrnational.com.au
Community Information Sessions
Collinsville Community Centre
Conway St, Collinsville